Priorities 😥
Too many timesI treated otherslike the destination,not realizingthey were only a partof the journey.Maybe I had to lose themto understandI am the destinationI've been looking for. Book: To Water Her Garden Author: Samira Mahmoodi
Too many timesI treated otherslike the destination,not realizingthey were only a partof the journey.Maybe I had to lose themto understandI am the destinationI've been looking for. Book: To Water Her Garden Author: Samira Mahmoodi
"And if I see a scandal with my own eyes, I will cover it with my clothes, for the one who announces an obscenity is equal to committing it."
The truth is that everyone will hurt you, you just have to find someone who deserves to suffer for."
"It's Okay if life has not been kind to you, what matters is you've been kind to yourself and to others."
Pray - Because nothing will remove the confusion in your mind and your heart except for prayer.
Unwilling! And when I told you I felt disconnected from it all, it really meant I needed you to save me. Save me from all the things we were both Unwilling to let go..