Let’s talk.

If your partner is still bringing up old stuffs, maybe it's time to sit down and talk.about it. Yes, it maybe annoying, but that clearly means it's stuck in their headand it's been weighing heavy in their heart. Just as bad as you want them toforget, they want to forget it 10 times more.

Continue ReadingLet’s talk.

People change.

"I can't stand how some people just change.It's like you're all cool, speak a lot, even becomeclose, and then they just ignore you. Literally out ofnowhere, they just don't text back. I could never dothat to someone. It's so disgusting. Book: The Modern Breakup Book.Author: Daniel Chidiac

Continue ReadingPeople change.


The thing is: Love will break you.That is a guarantee.Yet at the same time,it is the only thingthat can put youback together.

Continue ReadingLove.

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